Simply Clean

Harald Z. from Munich asks: In winter I also drive with aluminium rims – what would you recommend to protect the surfaces against aggressive brake dust, road salt and other grime?

First of all, you should clean the wheels regularly. And for this you should definitely use an acid free wheel rim cleaner. We would especially recommend the SONAX Xtreme wheel cleaner full effect. It contains an especially powerful cleaning gel, which works gently on materials, yet makes short work of the brake dust and other typical road dirt on the rims. The user can discern the fluid’s optimum working in time by the red coloration of the cleaner – a reliable indicator of the working effect. The neutral formula prevents corrosion of the wheel studs and non-lacquered metal surfaces. The surrounding paintwork surfaces and plastic components also remain unaffected. Especially stubborn deposits can be worked on with the aid of a brush. A thorough rinsing afterwards with water is recommended. Tip: After rinsing, roll the vehicle half a turn and rinse off once again, this will ensure that no cleaner residue is able to dry out in recesses or difficult to access places.

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